
Safe HaskellNone




class MakeDigest a where Source #

Class encapsulating data which can hashed.


makeDigest :: a -> Digest SHA256 Source #

MakeDigest RawTransaction Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Tendermint.SDK.Types.Transaction


makeDigest :: RawTransaction -> Digest SHA256 Source #

class SignatureSchema alg where Source #

Defines the types and methods for the signature schema parameterized by alg.

Associated Types

type PubKey alg :: * Source #

type PrivateKey alg :: * Source #

type Signature alg :: * Source #

type Message alg :: * Source #


algorithm :: Proxy alg -> Text Source #

sign :: Proxy alg -> PrivateKey alg -> Message alg -> Signature alg Source #

verify :: Proxy alg -> PubKey alg -> Signature alg -> Message alg -> Bool Source #

makePubKey :: Proxy alg -> ByteString -> Maybe (PubKey alg) Source #

makeSignature :: Proxy alg -> ByteString -> Maybe (Signature alg) Source #

derivePubKey :: Proxy alg -> PrivateKey alg -> PubKey alg Source #

addressFromPubKey :: Proxy alg -> PubKey alg -> Address Source #

parsePubKey :: SignatureSchema alg => Proxy alg -> PubKey -> Either Text (PubKey alg) Source #

data Secp256k1 Source #

RecoverableSignatureSchema Secp256k1 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Tendermint.SDK.Crypto

Associated Types

type RecoverableSignature Secp256k1 :: Type Source #

SignatureSchema Secp256k1 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Tendermint.SDK.Crypto

type RecoverableSignature Secp256k1 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Tendermint.SDK.Crypto

type PubKey Secp256k1 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Tendermint.SDK.Crypto

type PubKey Secp256k1 = PubKey
type PrivateKey Secp256k1 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Tendermint.SDK.Crypto

type PrivateKey Secp256k1 = SecKey
type Signature Secp256k1 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Tendermint.SDK.Crypto

type Signature Secp256k1 = Sig
type Message Secp256k1 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Tendermint.SDK.Crypto

type Message Secp256k1 = Digest SHA256