module Tendermint.SDK.Crypto
  ( MakeDigest(..)
  , SignatureSchema(..)
  , RecoverableSignatureSchema(..)
  , parsePubKey
  , Secp256k1
  ) where

import           Control.Error                          (note)
import           Crypto.Hash                            (Digest, hashWith)
import           Crypto.Hash.Algorithms                 (Keccak_256 (..),
import qualified Crypto.Secp256k1                       as Secp256k1
import           Data.ByteArray                         (convert)
import qualified Data.ByteArray.Base64String            as Base64
import qualified Data.ByteString                        as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short                  as Short
import           Data.Maybe                             (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.Text                              (Text)
import qualified Network.ABCI.Types.Messages.FieldTypes as FT
import           Tendermint.SDK.Types.Address           (Address,

-- | Class encapsulating data which can hashed.
class MakeDigest a where
  makeDigest :: a -> Digest SHA256

-- | Defines the types and methods for the signature schema parameterized by 'alg'.
class SignatureSchema alg where
    type PubKey alg :: *
    type PrivateKey alg :: *
    type Signature alg :: *
    type Message alg :: *

    algorithm :: Proxy alg -> Text
    sign :: Proxy alg -> PrivateKey alg -> Message alg -> Signature alg
    verify :: Proxy alg -> PubKey alg -> Signature alg -> Message alg -> Bool

    makePubKey :: Proxy alg -> B.ByteString -> Maybe (PubKey alg)
    makeSignature :: Proxy alg -> B.ByteString -> Maybe (Signature alg)
    derivePubKey :: Proxy alg -> PrivateKey alg -> PubKey alg
    addressFromPubKey :: Proxy alg -> PubKey alg -> Address

-- | Class allowing for signing and recovering signatures for messages.
class SignatureSchema alg => RecoverableSignatureSchema alg where
    type RecoverableSignature alg :: *

    signRecoverableMessage :: Proxy alg -> PrivateKey alg -> Message alg -> RecoverableSignature alg
    recover :: Proxy alg -> RecoverableSignature alg -> Message alg -> Maybe (PubKey alg)
    serializeRecoverableSignature :: Proxy alg -> RecoverableSignature alg -> B.ByteString
    makeRecoverableSignature :: Proxy alg -> B.ByteString -> Maybe (RecoverableSignature alg)

data Secp256k1

msgFromSHA256 :: Digest SHA256 -> Secp256k1.Msg
msgFromSHA256 dig = fromMaybe (error "Digest SHA256 wasn't 32 bytes.") $
  Secp256k1.msg $ convert dig

instance SignatureSchema Secp256k1 where
    type PubKey Secp256k1 = Secp256k1.PubKey
    type PrivateKey Secp256k1 = Secp256k1.SecKey
    type Signature Secp256k1 = Secp256k1.Sig
    type Message Secp256k1 = Digest SHA256

    algorithm _ = "secp256k1"
    sign _ priv dig = Secp256k1.signMsg priv (msgFromSHA256 dig)
    verify _ pub sig dig = Secp256k1.verifySig pub sig (msgFromSHA256 dig)

    makePubKey _ = Secp256k1.importPubKey
    makeSignature _ = Secp256k1.importSig
    -- For lack of a better idea, we're just going to use the Ethereum style here
    derivePubKey _ = Secp256k1.derivePubKey
    addressFromPubKey _ = addressFromBytes . B.drop 12 . convert .
      hashWith Keccak_256 . Secp256k1.exportPubKey False

instance RecoverableSignatureSchema Secp256k1 where
    type RecoverableSignature Secp256k1 = Secp256k1.RecSig

    signRecoverableMessage _ priv dig = Secp256k1.signRecMsg priv (msgFromSHA256 dig)
    recover _ sig dig = Secp256k1.recover sig (msgFromSHA256 dig)
    serializeRecoverableSignature _ sig =
      let csr = Secp256k1.exportCompactRecSig sig
      in Short.fromShort (Secp256k1.getCompactRecSigR csr) <>
           Short.fromShort (Secp256k1.getCompactRecSigS csr) <>
           B.pack [Secp256k1.getCompactRecSigV csr]
    makeRecoverableSignature _ bs =
      let (r,rest) = B.splitAt 32 bs
          (s,v) = B.splitAt 32 rest
      in if B.length r /= 32 || B.length s /= 32 || B.length v /= 1
           then Nothing
           else Secp256k1.importCompactRecSig $
                  Secp256k1.CompactRecSig (Short.toShort r) (Short.toShort s) (B.head v)

  :: SignatureSchema alg
  => Proxy alg
  -> FT.PubKey
  -> Either Text (PubKey alg)
parsePubKey p FT.PubKey{..}
  | pubKeyType == algorithm p =
      note "Couldn't parse PubKey" $ makePubKey p (Base64.toBytes pubKeyData)
  | otherwise = Left $ "Unsupported curve: " <> pubKeyType