{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Network.ABCI.Types.Messages.Response where

import           Control.Lens                           (iso, traverse, (&),
                                                         (.~), (^.), (^..),
                                                         (^?), _Just)
import           Control.Lens.Wrapped                   (Wrapped (..),
import           Data.Aeson                             (FromJSON (..),
                                                         ToJSON (..),
                                                         withObject, (.!=),
                                                         (.:), (.:?))
import           Data.ByteArray.Base64String            (Base64String)
import qualified Data.ByteArray.Base64String            as Base64
import           Data.ByteArray.HexString               (HexString)
import qualified Data.ByteArray.HexString               as Hex
import           Data.Default.Class                     (Default (..))
import           Data.Int                               (Int64)
import           Data.ProtoLens.Message                 (Message (defMessage))
import           Data.Text                              (Text)
import           Data.Word                              (Word32, Word64)
import           GHC.Generics                           (Generic)
import           Network.ABCI.Types.Messages.Common     (defaultABCIOptions,
import           Network.ABCI.Types.Messages.FieldTypes (ConsensusParams, Event,
                                                         Proof, ValidatorUpdate,
                                                         WrappedVal (..))
import qualified Proto.Types                            as PT
import qualified Proto.Types_Fields                     as PT

-- Echo

data Echo = Echo
  { echoMessage :: Text
  -- ^ The input string
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''Echo

instance ToJSON Echo where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "echo"
instance FromJSON Echo where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "echo"

instance Wrapped Echo where
  type Unwrapped Echo = PT.ResponseEcho

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t Echo {..} = defMessage & PT.message .~ echoMessage
    f message = Echo { echoMessage = message ^. PT.message }

instance Default Echo where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- Flush

data Flush =
  Flush deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON Flush where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "flush"
instance FromJSON Flush where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "flush"

instance Wrapped Flush where
  type Unwrapped Flush = PT.ResponseFlush

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t Flush = defMessage
    f _ = Flush

instance Default Flush where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- Info

data Info = Info
  { infoData             :: Text
  -- ^ Some arbitrary information
  , infoVersion          :: Text
  -- ^ The application software semantic version
  , infoAppVersion       :: WrappedVal Word64
  -- ^ The application protocol version
  , infoLastBlockHeight  :: WrappedVal Int64
  -- ^  Latest block for which the app has called Commit
  , infoLastBlockAppHash :: HexString
  -- ^  Latest result of Commit
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''Info

instance ToJSON Info where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "info"
instance FromJSON Info where
  parseJSON = withObject "Info" $ \v -> Info
    <$> v .: "data"
    <*> v .: "version"
    <*> v .: "app_version"
    <*> v .:? "last_block_height" .!= 0
    <*> v .:? "last_block_app_hash" .!= ""

instance Wrapped Info where
  type Unwrapped Info = PT.ResponseInfo

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t Info {..} =
        & PT.data' .~ infoData
        & PT.version .~ infoVersion
        & PT.appVersion .~ unWrappedVal infoAppVersion
        & PT.lastBlockHeight .~ unWrappedVal infoLastBlockHeight
        & PT.lastBlockAppHash .~ Hex.toBytes infoLastBlockAppHash
    f message = Info
      { infoData             = message ^. PT.data'
      , infoVersion          = message ^. PT.version
      , infoAppVersion       = WrappedVal  $ message ^. PT.appVersion
      , infoLastBlockHeight  = WrappedVal $ message ^. PT.lastBlockHeight
      , infoLastBlockAppHash = Hex.fromBytes $ message ^. PT.lastBlockAppHash

instance Default Info where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- SetOption

data SetOption = SetOption
  { setOptionCode :: Word32
  -- ^ Response code
  , setOptionLog  :: Text
  -- ^ The output of the application's logger. May be non-deterministic.
  , setOptionInfo :: Text
  -- ^ Additional information. May be non-deterministic.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''SetOption

instance ToJSON SetOption where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "setOption"
instance FromJSON SetOption where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "setOption"

instance Wrapped SetOption where
  type Unwrapped SetOption = PT.ResponseSetOption

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t SetOption {..} =
        & PT.code .~ setOptionCode
        & PT.log .~ setOptionLog
        & PT.info .~ setOptionInfo
    f message = SetOption { setOptionCode = message ^. PT.code
                          , setOptionLog  = message ^. PT.log
                          , setOptionInfo = message ^. PT.info

instance Default SetOption where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- InitChain

data InitChain = InitChain
  { initChainConsensusParams :: Maybe ConsensusParams
  -- ^ Initial consensus-critical parameters.
  , initChainValidators      :: [ValidatorUpdate]
  -- ^ Initial validator set (if non empty).
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''InitChain

instance ToJSON InitChain where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "initChain"
instance FromJSON InitChain where
  parseJSON = withObject "InitChain" $ \v -> InitChain
    <$> v .:? "consensusParams"
    <*> v .:? "validators" .!= []

instance Wrapped InitChain where
  type Unwrapped InitChain = PT.ResponseInitChain

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t InitChain {..} =
        & PT.maybe'consensusParams .~ initChainConsensusParams ^? _Just . _Wrapped'
        & PT.validators .~ initChainValidators ^.. traverse . _Wrapped'
    f message = InitChain
      { initChainConsensusParams = message ^? PT.maybe'consensusParams . _Just . _Unwrapped'
      , initChainValidators = message ^.. PT.validators . traverse . _Unwrapped'

instance Default InitChain where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- Query

data Query = Query
  { queryCode      :: Word32
  -- ^ Response code.
  , queryLog       :: Text
  -- ^ The output of the application's logger. May be non-deterministic.
  , queryInfo      :: Text
  -- ^ Additional information. May be non-deterministic.
  , queryIndex     :: WrappedVal Int64
  -- ^ The index of the key in the tree.
  , queryKey       :: Base64String
  -- ^ The key of the matching data.
  , queryValue     :: Base64String
  -- ^ The value of the matching data.
  , queryProof     :: Maybe Proof
  -- ^ Serialized proof for the value data, if requested, to be verified against
  -- the AppHash for the given Height.
  , queryHeight    :: WrappedVal Int64
  -- ^ The block height from which data was derived.
  , queryCodespace :: Text
  -- ^ Namespace for the Code.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''Query

instance ToJSON Query where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "query"
instance FromJSON Query where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "query"

instance Wrapped Query where
  type Unwrapped Query = PT.ResponseQuery

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t Query {..} =
        & PT.code .~ queryCode
        & PT.log .~ queryLog
        & PT.info .~ queryInfo
        & PT.index .~ unWrappedVal queryIndex
        & PT.key .~ Base64.toBytes queryKey
        & PT.value .~ Base64.toBytes queryValue
        & PT.maybe'proof .~ queryProof ^? _Just .  _Wrapped'
        & PT.height .~ unWrappedVal queryHeight
        & PT.codespace .~ queryCodespace
    f message = Query
      { queryCode      = message ^. PT.code
      , queryLog       = message ^. PT.log
      , queryInfo      = message ^. PT.info
      , queryIndex     = WrappedVal $ message ^. PT.index
      , queryKey       = Base64.fromBytes $ message ^. PT.key
      , queryValue     = Base64.fromBytes $ message ^. PT.value
      , queryProof     = message ^? PT.maybe'proof . _Just . _Unwrapped'
      , queryHeight    = WrappedVal $ message ^. PT.height
      , queryCodespace = message ^. PT.codespace

instance Default Query where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- BeginBlock

data BeginBlock = BeginBlock
  { beginBlockEvents :: [Event]
  -- ^ Beginning block events
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''BeginBlock

instance ToJSON BeginBlock where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "beginBlock"
instance FromJSON BeginBlock where
  parseJSON = withObject "BeginBlock" $ \v -> BeginBlock
   <$> v .:? "events" .!= []

instance Wrapped BeginBlock where
  type Unwrapped BeginBlock = PT.ResponseBeginBlock

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t BeginBlock {..} =
      defMessage & PT.events .~ beginBlockEvents ^.. traverse . _Wrapped'
    f message = BeginBlock
      { beginBlockEvents = message ^.. PT.events . traverse . _Unwrapped'

instance Default BeginBlock where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- CheckTx

data CheckTx = CheckTx
  { checkTxCode      :: Word32
  -- ^ Response code
  , checkTxData      :: Base64String
  -- ^ Result bytes, if any.
  , checkTxLog       :: Text
  -- ^ The output of the application's logger.
  , checkTxInfo      :: Text
  -- ^ Additional information.
  , checkTxGasWanted :: WrappedVal Int64
  -- ^ Amount of gas requested for transaction.
  , checkTxGasUsed   :: WrappedVal Int64
  -- ^ Amount of gas consumed by transaction.
  , checkTxEvents    :: [Event]
  -- ^ Events
  , checkTxCodespace :: Text
  -- ^ Namespace for the Code.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''CheckTx

instance ToJSON CheckTx where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "checkTx"
instance FromJSON CheckTx where
  parseJSON = withObject "CheckTx" $ \v -> CheckTx
    <$> v .: "code"
    <*> v .: "data"
    <*> v .: "log"
    <*> v .: "info"
    <*> v .: "gasWanted"
    <*> v .: "gasUsed"
    <*> v .:? "events" .!= []
    <*> v .: "codespace"

instance Wrapped CheckTx where
  type Unwrapped CheckTx = PT.ResponseCheckTx

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t CheckTx {..} =
        & PT.code .~ checkTxCode
        & PT.data' .~ Base64.toBytes checkTxData
        & PT.log .~ checkTxLog
        & PT.info .~ checkTxInfo
        & PT.gasWanted .~ unWrappedVal checkTxGasWanted
        & PT.gasUsed .~ unWrappedVal checkTxGasUsed
        & PT.events .~ checkTxEvents ^.. traverse . _Wrapped'
        & PT.codespace .~ checkTxCodespace
    f message = CheckTx
      { checkTxCode      = message ^. PT.code
      , checkTxData      = Base64.fromBytes $ message ^. PT.data'
      , checkTxLog       = message ^. PT.log
      , checkTxInfo      = message ^. PT.info
      , checkTxGasWanted = WrappedVal $ message ^. PT.gasWanted
      , checkTxGasUsed   = WrappedVal $ message ^. PT.gasUsed
      , checkTxEvents    = message ^.. PT.events . traverse . _Unwrapped'
      , checkTxCodespace = message ^. PT.codespace

instance Default CheckTx where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- DeliverTx

data DeliverTx = DeliverTx
  { deliverTxCode      :: Word32
  -- ^ Response code.
  , deliverTxData      :: Base64String
  -- ^ Result bytes, if any.
  , deliverTxLog       :: Text
  -- ^ The output of the application's logger. May be non-deterministic.
  , deliverTxInfo      :: Text
  -- ^ Additional information.
  , deliverTxGasWanted :: WrappedVal Int64
  -- ^ Amount of gas requested for transaction.
  , deliverTxGasUsed   :: WrappedVal Int64
  -- ^ Amount of gas consumed by transaction.
  , deliverTxEvents    :: [Event]
  -- ^ Events
  , deliverTxCodespace :: Text
  -- ^ Namespace for the Code.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''DeliverTx

instance ToJSON DeliverTx where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "deliverTx"
instance FromJSON DeliverTx where
  parseJSON = withObject "DeliverTx" $ \v -> DeliverTx
    <$> v .: "code"
    <*> v .: "data"
    <*> v .: "log"
    <*> v .: "info"
    <*> v .: "gasWanted"
    <*> v .: "gasUsed"
    <*> v .:? "events" .!= []
    <*> v .: "codespace"

instance Wrapped DeliverTx where
  type Unwrapped DeliverTx = PT.ResponseDeliverTx

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t DeliverTx {..} =
        & PT.code .~ deliverTxCode
        & PT.data' .~ Base64.toBytes deliverTxData
        & PT.log .~ deliverTxLog
        & PT.info .~ deliverTxInfo
        & PT.gasWanted .~ unWrappedVal deliverTxGasWanted
        & PT.gasUsed .~ unWrappedVal deliverTxGasUsed
        & PT.events .~ deliverTxEvents ^.. traverse . _Wrapped'
        & PT.codespace .~ deliverTxCodespace
    f responseDeliverTx = DeliverTx
      { deliverTxCode      = responseDeliverTx ^. PT.code
      , deliverTxData      = Base64.fromBytes $ responseDeliverTx ^. PT.data'
      , deliverTxLog       = responseDeliverTx ^. PT.log
      , deliverTxInfo      = responseDeliverTx ^. PT.info
      , deliverTxGasWanted = WrappedVal $ responseDeliverTx ^. PT.gasWanted
      , deliverTxGasUsed   = WrappedVal $ responseDeliverTx ^. PT.gasUsed
      , deliverTxEvents    = responseDeliverTx ^.. PT.events . traverse . _Unwrapped'
      , deliverTxCodespace = responseDeliverTx ^. PT.codespace

instance Default DeliverTx where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- EndBlock

data EndBlock = EndBlock
  { endBlockValidatorUpdates      :: [ValidatorUpdate]
  -- ^ Changes to validator set (set voting power to 0 to remove).
  , endBlockConsensusParamUpdates :: Maybe ConsensusParams
  -- ^ Changes to consensus-critical time, size, and other parameters.
  , endBlockEvents                :: [Event]
  -- ^ Events
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''EndBlock

instance ToJSON EndBlock where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "endBlock"
instance FromJSON EndBlock where
  parseJSON = withObject "EndBlock" $ \v -> EndBlock
    <$> v .:? "validatorUpdates" .!= []
    <*> v .:? "consensusParams"
    <*> v .:? "events" .!= []

instance Wrapped EndBlock where
  type Unwrapped EndBlock = PT.ResponseEndBlock

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t EndBlock {..} =
        & PT.validatorUpdates .~ endBlockValidatorUpdates ^.. traverse . _Wrapped'
        & PT.maybe'consensusParamUpdates .~ endBlockConsensusParamUpdates ^? _Just . _Wrapped'
        & PT.events .~ endBlockEvents ^.. traverse . _Wrapped'
    f message = EndBlock
      { endBlockValidatorUpdates = message ^.. PT.validatorUpdates . traverse . _Unwrapped'
      , endBlockConsensusParamUpdates = message ^? PT.maybe'consensusParamUpdates . _Just . _Unwrapped'
      , endBlockEvents = message ^.. PT.events . traverse . _Unwrapped'

instance Default EndBlock where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- Commit

data Commit = Commit
  { commitData :: Base64String
  -- ^ The Merkle root hash of the application state
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''Commit

instance ToJSON Commit where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "commit"
instance FromJSON Commit where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "commit"

instance Wrapped Commit where
  type Unwrapped Commit = PT.ResponseCommit

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t Commit {..} = defMessage & PT.data' .~ Base64.toBytes commitData
    f message = Commit { commitData = Base64.fromBytes $ message ^. PT.data' }

instance Default Commit where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- Exception

data Exception = Exception
  { exceptionError :: Text
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''Exception

instance ToJSON Exception where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "exception"
instance FromJSON Exception where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "exception"

instance Default Exception where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

instance Wrapped Exception where
  type Unwrapped Exception = PT.ResponseException

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t Exception {..} = defMessage & PT.error .~ exceptionError
    f responseException =
      Exception { exceptionError = responseException ^. PT.error }