{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Network.ABCI.Types.Messages.Request where

import           Control.Lens                           (iso, traverse, (&),
                                                         (.~), (^.), (^..),
                                                         (^?), _Just)
import           Control.Lens.Wrapped                   (Wrapped (..),
import           Data.Aeson                             (FromJSON (..),
                                                         ToJSON (..),
                                                         withObject, (.!=),
                                                         (.:), (.:?))
import           Data.ByteArray.Base64String            (Base64String)
import qualified Data.ByteArray.Base64String            as Base64
import           Data.ByteArray.HexString               (HexString)
import qualified Data.ByteArray.HexString               as Hex
import           Data.Default.Class                     (Default (..))
import           Data.Int                               (Int64)
import           Data.ProtoLens.Message                 (Message (defMessage))
import           Data.Text                              (Text)
import           Data.Word                              (Word64)
import           GHC.Generics                           (Generic)
import           Network.ABCI.Types.Messages.Common     (defaultABCIOptions,
import           Network.ABCI.Types.Messages.FieldTypes (ConsensusParams (..),
                                                         Evidence (..),
                                                         Header (..),
                                                         LastCommitInfo (..),
                                                         Timestamp (..),
                                                         ValidatorUpdate (..),
                                                         WrappedVal (..))
import qualified Proto.Types                            as PT
import qualified Proto.Types_Fields                     as PT

-- Echo

data Echo = Echo
  { echoMessage :: Text
  -- ^ A string to echo back
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''Echo

instance ToJSON Echo where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "echo"
instance FromJSON Echo where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "echo"

instance Wrapped Echo where
  type Unwrapped Echo = PT.RequestEcho

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t Echo {..} = defMessage & PT.message .~ echoMessage
    f message = Echo { echoMessage = message ^. PT.message }

instance Default Echo where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- Flush

data Flush =
  Flush deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance ToJSON Flush where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "flush"
instance FromJSON Flush where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "flush"

instance Wrapped Flush where
  type Unwrapped Flush = PT.RequestFlush

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t = const defMessage
    f = const Flush

instance Default Flush where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- Info

data Info = Info
  { infoVersion      :: Text
  -- ^ The Tendermint software semantic version
  , infoBlockVersion :: Word64
  -- ^ The Tendermint Block Protocol version
  , infoP2pVersion   :: Word64
  -- ^ The Tendermint P2P Protocol version
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''Info

instance ToJSON Info where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "info"
instance FromJSON Info where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "info"

instance Wrapped Info where
  type Unwrapped Info = PT.RequestInfo

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t Info {..} =
        &  PT.version .~ infoVersion
        &  PT.blockVersion .~ infoBlockVersion
        &  PT.p2pVersion .~ infoP2pVersion
    f message = Info { infoVersion      = message ^. PT.version
                     , infoBlockVersion = message ^. PT.blockVersion
                     , infoP2pVersion   = message ^. PT.p2pVersion

instance Default Info where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- SetOption

data SetOption = SetOption
  { setOptionKey   :: Text
  -- ^ Key to set
  , setOptionValue :: Text
  -- ^ Value to set for key
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''SetOption

instance ToJSON SetOption where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "setOption"
instance FromJSON SetOption where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "setOption"

instance Wrapped SetOption where
  type Unwrapped SetOption = PT.RequestSetOption

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t SetOption {..} =
      defMessage & PT.key .~ setOptionKey & PT.value .~ setOptionValue
    f message = SetOption { setOptionKey   = message ^. PT.key
                          , setOptionValue = message ^. PT.value

instance Default SetOption where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- InitChain

data InitChain = InitChain
  { initChainTime            :: Maybe Timestamp
  -- ^ Genesis time
  , initChainChainId         :: Text
  -- ^ ID of the blockchain.
  , initChainConsensusParams :: Maybe ConsensusParams
  -- ^ Initial consensus-critical parameters.
  , initChainValidators      :: [ValidatorUpdate]
  -- ^ Initial genesis validators.
  , initChainAppState        :: Base64String
  -- ^ Serialized initial application state. Amino-encoded JSON bytes.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''InitChain

instance ToJSON InitChain where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "initChain"
instance FromJSON InitChain where
  parseJSON = withObject "InitChain" $ \v -> InitChain
   <$> v .:? "time"
   <*> v .: "chainId"
   <*> v .:? "consensusParams"
   <*> v .:? "validators" .!= []
   <*> v .: "appState"

instance Wrapped InitChain where
  type Unwrapped InitChain = PT.RequestInitChain

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t InitChain {..} =
        & PT.maybe'time .~ initChainTime ^? _Just . _Wrapped'
        & PT.chainId .~ initChainChainId
        & PT.maybe'consensusParams .~ initChainConsensusParams ^? _Just . _Wrapped'
        & PT.validators .~ initChainValidators ^.. traverse . _Wrapped'
        & PT.appStateBytes .~ Base64.toBytes initChainAppState
    f message = InitChain
      { initChainTime = message ^? PT.maybe'time . _Just . _Unwrapped'
      , initChainChainId = message ^. PT.chainId
      , initChainConsensusParams = message ^? PT.maybe'consensusParams . _Just . _Unwrapped'
      , initChainValidators = message ^.. PT.validators . traverse . _Unwrapped'
      , initChainAppState = Base64.fromBytes $ message ^. PT.appStateBytes

instance Default InitChain where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- Query

data Query = Query
  { queryData   :: Base64String
  -- ^  Raw query bytes. Can be used with or in lieu of Path.
  , queryPath   :: Text
  -- ^ Path of request, like an HTTP GET path. Can be used with or in liue of Data.
  , queryHeight :: WrappedVal Int64
  -- ^ The block height for which you want the query
  , queryProve  :: Bool
  -- ^ Return Merkle proof with response if possible
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''Query

instance ToJSON Query where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "query"
instance FromJSON Query where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "query"

instance Wrapped Query where
  type Unwrapped Query = PT.RequestQuery

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t Query {..} =
        &  PT.data' .~ Base64.toBytes queryData
        &  PT.path .~ queryPath
        &  PT.height .~ unWrappedVal queryHeight
        &  PT.prove .~ queryProve
    f message = Query { queryData   = Base64.fromBytes $ message ^. PT.data'
                      , queryPath   = message ^. PT.path
                      , queryHeight = WrappedVal $ message ^. PT.height
                      , queryProve  = message ^. PT.prove

instance Default Query where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- BeginBlock

data BeginBlock = BeginBlock
  { beginBlockHash                :: HexString
  -- ^ The block's hash. This can be derived from the block header.
  , beginBlockHeader              :: Maybe Header
  -- ^ The block header.
  , beginBlockLastCommitInfo      :: Maybe LastCommitInfo
  -- ^ Info about the last commit, including the round, and the list of
  -- validators and which ones signed the last block.
  , beginBlockByzantineValidators :: [Evidence]
  -- ^ List of evidence of validators that acted maliciously.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''BeginBlock

instance ToJSON BeginBlock where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "beginBlock"
instance FromJSON BeginBlock where
  parseJSON = withObject "BeginBlock" $ \v -> BeginBlock
   <$> v .: "hash"
   <*> v .:? "header"
   <*> v .:? "lastCommitInfo"
   <*> v .:? "byzantineValidators" .!= []

instance Wrapped BeginBlock where
  type Unwrapped BeginBlock = PT.RequestBeginBlock

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t BeginBlock {..} =
        & PT.hash .~ Hex.toBytes beginBlockHash
        & PT.maybe'header .~ beginBlockHeader ^? _Just . _Wrapped'
        & PT.maybe'lastCommitInfo .~ beginBlockLastCommitInfo ^? _Just . _Wrapped'
        & PT.byzantineValidators .~ beginBlockByzantineValidators ^.. traverse . _Wrapped'
    f message = BeginBlock
      { beginBlockHash = Hex.fromBytes $ message ^. PT.hash
      , beginBlockHeader = message ^? PT.maybe'header . _Just . _Unwrapped'
      , beginBlockLastCommitInfo = message ^? PT.maybe'lastCommitInfo . _Just . _Unwrapped'
      , beginBlockByzantineValidators = message ^.. PT.byzantineValidators . traverse . _Unwrapped'

instance Default BeginBlock where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- CheckTx

-- TODO: figure out what happened to Type CheckTxType field
data CheckTx = CheckTx
  { checkTxTx :: Base64String
  -- ^ The request transaction bytes
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''CheckTx

instance ToJSON CheckTx where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "checkTx"
instance FromJSON CheckTx where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "checkTx"

instance Wrapped CheckTx where
  type Unwrapped CheckTx = PT.RequestCheckTx

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t CheckTx {..} = defMessage & PT.tx .~ Base64.toBytes checkTxTx

    f message = CheckTx { checkTxTx = Base64.fromBytes $ message ^. PT.tx }

instance Default CheckTx where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- DeliverTx

data DeliverTx = DeliverTx
  { deliverTxTx :: Base64String
  -- ^ The request transaction bytes.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''DeliverTx

instance ToJSON DeliverTx where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "deliverTx"
instance FromJSON DeliverTx where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "deliverTx"

instance Wrapped DeliverTx where
  type Unwrapped DeliverTx = PT.RequestDeliverTx

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t DeliverTx {..} = defMessage & PT.tx .~ Base64.toBytes deliverTxTx

    f message = DeliverTx { deliverTxTx = Base64.fromBytes $ message ^. PT.tx }

instance Default DeliverTx where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- EndBlock

data EndBlock = EndBlock
  { endBlockHeight :: WrappedVal Int64
  -- ^ Height of the block just executed.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''EndBlock

instance ToJSON EndBlock where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "endBlock"
instance FromJSON EndBlock where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "endBlock"

instance Wrapped EndBlock where
  type Unwrapped EndBlock = PT.RequestEndBlock

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t EndBlock {..} = defMessage & PT.height .~ unWrappedVal endBlockHeight

    f message =
      EndBlock { endBlockHeight = WrappedVal $ message ^. PT.height }

instance Default EndBlock where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'

-- Commit

data Commit =
  Commit deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

makeABCILenses ''Commit

instance ToJSON Commit where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "commit"
instance FromJSON Commit where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ defaultABCIOptions "commit"

instance Wrapped Commit where
  type Unwrapped Commit = PT.RequestCommit

  _Wrapped' = iso t f
    t Commit = defMessage

    f _ = Commit

instance Default Commit where
  def = defMessage ^. _Unwrapped'