module Network.ABCI.Server.App
  ( App(..)
  , runApp
  , transformApp
  , withProto
  , Middleware
  , MessageType(..)
  , demoteRequestType
  , msgTypeKey
  , Request(..)
  , hashRequest
  , Response(..)
  , LPByteStrings(..)
  , decodeLengthPrefix
  , encodeLengthPrefix
  ) where

import           Control.Lens                         ((?~), (^.))
import           Control.Lens.Wrapped                 (Wrapped (..),
import           Control.Monad                        ((>=>))
import           Data.Aeson                           (FromJSON (..),
                                                       ToJSON (..), Value (..),
                                                       object, withObject, (.:),
import           Data.Aeson.Types                     (Parser)
import           Data.Bifunctor                       (first)
import qualified Data.ByteString                      as BS
import           Data.Function                        ((&))
import qualified Data.ProtoLens                       as PL
import           Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Bytes        (getVarInt, putVarInt,
                                                       runBuilder, runParser,
import           Data.String.Conversions              (cs)
import           Data.Text                            (Text)
import           Data.Traversable                     (traverse)
import           Network.ABCI.Server.App.DecodeError  (DecodeError)
import qualified Network.ABCI.Server.App.DecodeError  as DecodeError
import qualified Network.ABCI.Types.Messages.Request  as Request
import qualified Network.ABCI.Types.Messages.Response as Response

import           Crypto.Hash                          (hashWith)
import           Crypto.Hash.Algorithms               (SHA256 (..))
import           Data.ByteArray                       (convert)
import qualified Data.ByteArray.HexString             as Hex
import           Data.Default.Class                   (Default (..))
import           Data.ProtoLens.Message               (Message (defMessage))
import           Data.ProtoLens.Prism                 (( # ))
import qualified Proto.Types                          as PT
import qualified Proto.Types_Fields                   as PT

-- | Used to parametrize Request and Respone types
data MessageType
  = MTEcho
  | MTFlush
  | MTInfo
  | MTSetOption
  | MTInitChain
  | MTQuery
  | MTBeginBlock
  | MTCheckTx
  | MTDeliverTx
  | MTEndBlock
  | MTCommit
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum)

msgTypeKey :: MessageType -> String
msgTypeKey m = case m of
  MTEcho       -> "echo"
  MTFlush      -> "flush"
  MTInfo       -> "info"
  MTSetOption  -> "setOption"
  MTInitChain  -> "initChain"
  MTQuery      -> "query"
  MTBeginBlock -> "beginBlock"
  MTCheckTx    -> "checkTx"
  MTDeliverTx  -> "deliverTx"
  MTEndBlock   -> "endBlock"
  MTCommit     -> "commit"

demoteRequestType :: forall (t :: MessageType). Request t -> MessageType
demoteRequestType req = case req of
  RequestEcho _       -> MTEcho
  RequestInfo _       -> MTInfo
  RequestSetOption _  -> MTSetOption
  RequestQuery _      -> MTQuery
  RequestCheckTx _    -> MTCheckTx
  RequestFlush _      -> MTFlush
  RequestInitChain _  -> MTInitChain
  RequestBeginBlock _ -> MTBeginBlock
  RequestDeliverTx _  -> MTDeliverTx
  RequestEndBlock _   -> MTEndBlock
  RequestCommit _     -> MTCommit

reqParseJSON :: forall t inner. FromJSON inner => MessageType -> (inner -> Request t) -> Value -> Parser (Request t)
reqParseJSON msgType ctr = withObject ("req:" <> expectedType) $ \v -> do
  actualType <- v .: "type"
  if actualType == expectedType
    then ctr <$> v .: "message"
    else fail $ "expected `type` to equal: " <> show expectedType <> ", but got: " <> show actualType
    expectedType = msgTypeKey msgType

resParseJSON :: FromJSON inner => MessageType -> (inner -> Response t) -> Value -> Parser (Response t)
resParseJSON msgType ctr = withObject ("res:" <> expectedType) $ \v -> do
  actualType <- v .: "type"
  if actualType == "exception"
    then ResponseException <$> v .: "message"
  else if actualType == expectedType
    then ctr <$> v .: "message"
    else fail $ "expected `type` to equal: " <> show expectedType <> ", but got: " <> show actualType
    expectedType = msgTypeKey msgType

reqResToJSON :: ToJSON inner => MessageType -> inner -> Value
reqResToJSON msgType message = reqResToJSON' (cs $ msgTypeKey msgType) message

reqResToJSON' :: ToJSON inner => Text -> inner -> Value
reqResToJSON' msgType message = object
  [ "type" .= String msgType, "message" .= toJSON message]

-- Request

-- Note: that there are 3 type of connection made by tendermint to the ABCI application:
-- * Info/Query Connection, sends only: Echo, Info and SetOption requests
-- * Mempool Connection, sends only: CheckTx and Flush requests
-- * Consensus Connection, InitChain,: BeginBlock, DeliverTx, EndBlock and  Commit requests
data Request (m :: MessageType) :: * where
  -- Info/Query Connection
  RequestEcho :: Request.Echo -> Request 'MTEcho
  RequestInfo :: Request.Info -> Request 'MTInfo
  RequestSetOption :: Request.SetOption -> Request 'MTSetOption
  RequestQuery :: Request.Query -> Request 'MTQuery
  -- Mempool Connection
  RequestCheckTx :: Request.CheckTx -> Request 'MTCheckTx
  RequestFlush :: Request.Flush -> Request 'MTFlush
  -- Consensus Connection
  RequestInitChain :: Request.InitChain -> Request 'MTInitChain
  RequestBeginBlock :: Request.BeginBlock -> Request 'MTBeginBlock
  RequestDeliverTx :: Request.DeliverTx -> Request 'MTDeliverTx
  RequestEndBlock :: Request.EndBlock -> Request 'MTEndBlock
  RequestCommit :: Request.Commit -> Request 'MTCommit

instance ToJSON (Request (t :: MessageType)) where
  toJSON (RequestEcho v)       = reqResToJSON MTEcho v
  toJSON (RequestInfo v)       = reqResToJSON MTInfo v
  toJSON (RequestSetOption v)  = reqResToJSON MTSetOption v
  toJSON (RequestQuery v)      = reqResToJSON MTQuery v
  toJSON (RequestCheckTx v)    = reqResToJSON MTCheckTx v
  toJSON (RequestFlush v)      = reqResToJSON MTFlush v
  toJSON (RequestInitChain v)  = reqResToJSON MTInitChain v
  toJSON (RequestBeginBlock v) = reqResToJSON MTBeginBlock v
  toJSON (RequestDeliverTx v)  = reqResToJSON MTDeliverTx v
  toJSON (RequestEndBlock v)   = reqResToJSON MTEndBlock v
  toJSON (RequestCommit v)     = reqResToJSON MTCommit v

instance FromJSON (Request 'MTEcho) where parseJSON = reqParseJSON MTEcho RequestEcho
instance FromJSON (Request 'MTInfo) where parseJSON = reqParseJSON MTInfo RequestInfo
instance FromJSON (Request 'MTSetOption) where parseJSON = reqParseJSON MTSetOption RequestSetOption
instance FromJSON (Request 'MTQuery) where parseJSON = reqParseJSON MTQuery RequestQuery
instance FromJSON (Request 'MTCheckTx) where parseJSON = reqParseJSON MTCheckTx RequestCheckTx
instance FromJSON (Request 'MTFlush) where parseJSON = reqParseJSON MTFlush RequestFlush
instance FromJSON (Request 'MTInitChain) where parseJSON = reqParseJSON MTInitChain RequestInitChain
instance FromJSON (Request 'MTBeginBlock) where parseJSON = reqParseJSON MTBeginBlock RequestBeginBlock
instance FromJSON (Request 'MTDeliverTx) where parseJSON = reqParseJSON MTDeliverTx RequestDeliverTx
instance FromJSON (Request 'MTEndBlock) where parseJSON = reqParseJSON MTEndBlock RequestEndBlock
instance FromJSON (Request 'MTCommit) where parseJSON = reqParseJSON MTCommit RequestCommit

  :: forall (t :: MessageType).
     Request t
  -> Hex.HexString
hashRequest req =
  let requestBytes :: BS.ByteString = case req of
        RequestEcho v       -> PL.encodeMessage $ v ^. _Wrapped'
        RequestFlush v      -> PL.encodeMessage $ v ^. _Wrapped'
        RequestInfo v       -> PL.encodeMessage $ v ^. _Wrapped'
        RequestSetOption v  -> PL.encodeMessage $ v ^. _Wrapped'
        RequestInitChain v  -> PL.encodeMessage $ v ^. _Wrapped'
        RequestQuery v      -> PL.encodeMessage $ v ^. _Wrapped'
        RequestBeginBlock v -> PL.encodeMessage $ v ^. _Wrapped'
        RequestCheckTx v    -> PL.encodeMessage $ v ^. _Wrapped'
        RequestDeliverTx v  -> PL.encodeMessage $ v ^. _Wrapped'
        RequestEndBlock v   -> PL.encodeMessage $ v ^. _Wrapped'
        RequestCommit v     -> PL.encodeMessage $ v ^. _Wrapped'
  in Hex.fromBytes @BS.ByteString . convert $ hashWith SHA256 requestBytes

  :: (forall (t :: MessageType). Request t -> a)
  -> PT.Request'Value
  -> a
withProto f value = case value of
  PT.Request'Echo echo -> f $ RequestEcho $ echo ^. _Unwrapped'
  PT.Request'Flush flush -> f $ RequestFlush $ flush ^. _Unwrapped'
  PT.Request'Info info -> f $ RequestInfo $ info ^. _Unwrapped'
  PT.Request'SetOption setOption -> f $ RequestSetOption $ setOption ^. _Unwrapped'
  PT.Request'InitChain initChain -> f $ RequestInitChain $ initChain ^. _Unwrapped'
  PT.Request'Query query -> f $ RequestQuery $ query ^. _Unwrapped'
  PT.Request'BeginBlock beginBlock -> f $ RequestBeginBlock $ beginBlock ^. _Unwrapped'
  PT.Request'CheckTx checkTx -> f $ RequestCheckTx $ checkTx ^. _Unwrapped'
  PT.Request'DeliverTx deliverTx -> f $ RequestDeliverTx $ deliverTx ^. _Unwrapped'
  PT.Request'EndBlock endBlock -> f $ RequestEndBlock $ endBlock ^. _Unwrapped'
  PT.Request'Commit commit -> f $ RequestCommit $ commit ^. _Unwrapped'

-- Response

data Response (m :: MessageType) :: * where
  ResponseEcho :: Response.Echo -> Response 'MTEcho
  ResponseFlush :: Response.Flush -> Response 'MTFlush
  ResponseInfo :: Response.Info -> Response 'MTInfo
  ResponseSetOption :: Response.SetOption -> Response 'MTSetOption
  ResponseInitChain :: Response.InitChain -> Response 'MTInitChain
  ResponseQuery :: Response.Query -> Response 'MTQuery
  ResponseBeginBlock :: Response.BeginBlock -> Response 'MTBeginBlock
  ResponseCheckTx :: Response.CheckTx -> Response 'MTCheckTx
  ResponseDeliverTx :: Response.DeliverTx -> Response 'MTDeliverTx
  ResponseEndBlock :: Response.EndBlock -> Response 'MTEndBlock
  ResponseCommit :: Response.Commit -> Response 'MTCommit
  ResponseException :: forall (m :: MessageType) . Response.Exception -> Response m

instance ToJSON (Response (t :: MessageType)) where
  toJSON (ResponseEcho v)       = reqResToJSON MTEcho v
  toJSON (ResponseFlush v)      = reqResToJSON MTFlush v
  toJSON (ResponseInfo v)       = reqResToJSON MTInfo v
  toJSON (ResponseSetOption v)  = reqResToJSON MTSetOption v
  toJSON (ResponseInitChain v)  = reqResToJSON MTInitChain v
  toJSON (ResponseQuery v)      = reqResToJSON MTQuery v
  toJSON (ResponseBeginBlock v) = reqResToJSON MTBeginBlock v
  toJSON (ResponseCheckTx v)    = reqResToJSON MTCheckTx v
  toJSON (ResponseDeliverTx v)  = reqResToJSON MTDeliverTx v
  toJSON (ResponseEndBlock v)   = reqResToJSON MTEndBlock v
  toJSON (ResponseCommit v)     = reqResToJSON MTCommit v
  toJSON (ResponseException v)  = reqResToJSON' "exception" v

instance FromJSON (Response 'MTEcho) where parseJSON = resParseJSON MTEcho ResponseEcho
instance FromJSON (Response 'MTFlush) where parseJSON = resParseJSON MTFlush ResponseFlush
instance FromJSON (Response 'MTInfo) where parseJSON = resParseJSON MTInfo ResponseInfo
instance FromJSON (Response 'MTSetOption) where parseJSON = resParseJSON MTSetOption ResponseSetOption
instance FromJSON (Response 'MTInitChain) where parseJSON = resParseJSON MTInitChain ResponseInitChain
instance FromJSON (Response 'MTQuery) where parseJSON = resParseJSON MTQuery ResponseQuery
instance FromJSON (Response 'MTBeginBlock) where parseJSON = resParseJSON MTBeginBlock ResponseBeginBlock
instance FromJSON (Response 'MTCheckTx) where parseJSON = resParseJSON MTCheckTx ResponseCheckTx
instance FromJSON (Response 'MTDeliverTx) where parseJSON = resParseJSON MTDeliverTx ResponseDeliverTx
instance FromJSON (Response 'MTEndBlock) where parseJSON = resParseJSON MTEndBlock ResponseEndBlock
instance FromJSON (Response 'MTCommit) where parseJSON = resParseJSON MTCommit ResponseCommit

instance Default (Response 'MTEcho) where def = ResponseEcho def
instance Default (Response 'MTFlush) where def = ResponseFlush def
instance Default (Response 'MTInfo) where def = ResponseInfo def
instance Default (Response 'MTSetOption) where def = ResponseSetOption def
instance Default (Response 'MTInitChain) where def = ResponseInitChain def
instance Default (Response 'MTQuery) where def = ResponseQuery def
instance Default (Response 'MTBeginBlock) where def = ResponseBeginBlock def
instance Default (Response 'MTCheckTx) where def = ResponseCheckTx def
instance Default (Response 'MTDeliverTx) where def = ResponseDeliverTx def
instance Default (Response 'MTEndBlock) where def = ResponseEndBlock def
instance Default (Response 'MTCommit) where def = ResponseCommit def

-- | Translates type-safe 'Response' GADT to the unsafe
--   auto-generated 'Proto.Response'
toProto :: Response t -> PT.Response
toProto r = case r of
  ResponseEcho msg       -> wrap PT._Response'Echo msg
  ResponseFlush msg      -> wrap PT._Response'Flush msg
  ResponseInfo msg       -> wrap PT._Response'Info msg
  ResponseSetOption msg  -> wrap PT._Response'SetOption msg
  ResponseInitChain msg  -> wrap PT._Response'InitChain msg
  ResponseQuery msg      -> wrap PT._Response'Query msg
  ResponseBeginBlock msg -> wrap PT._Response'BeginBlock msg
  ResponseCheckTx msg    -> wrap PT._Response'CheckTx msg
  ResponseDeliverTx msg  -> wrap PT._Response'DeliverTx msg
  ResponseEndBlock msg   -> wrap PT._Response'EndBlock msg
  ResponseCommit msg     -> wrap PT._Response'Commit msg
  ResponseException msg  -> wrap PT._Response'Exception msg
    wrap v msg = defMessage & PT.maybe'value ?~ v # (msg ^. _Wrapped')

-- | Application type that represents a well typed application, i.e. a
-- function from a typed `Request` to a typed `Response`.
newtype App m = App
  { unApp :: forall (t :: MessageType). Request t -> m (Response t) }

-- | Middleware is a component that sits between the server and application.
-- It can do such tasks as logging or response caching. What follows is the general
-- definition of middleware, though a middleware author should feel free to modify this.
type Middleware m = App m -> App m

-- | Transform an application from running in a custom monad to running in `IO`.
transformApp :: (forall (t :: MessageType). m (Response t) -> g (Response t)) -> App m -> App g
transformApp nat (App f) = App $ nat . f

-- | Compiles `App` down to `AppBS`
runApp :: forall m. Applicative m => App m -> LPByteStrings -> m LPByteStrings
runApp (App app) bs =
    & (decodeLengthPrefix >=> decodeRequests)
    & either (pure . onError) (traverse onResponse)
    & fmap (encodeLengthPrefix . encodeResponses)
    onError :: DecodeError -> [PT.Response]
    onError err = [toProto $ ResponseException $ Response.Exception $ cs $ DecodeError.print err]

    onResponse :: PT.Request'Value -> m PT.Response
    onResponse = withProto $ fmap toProto . app

    -- | Encodes responses to bytestrings
    encodeResponses :: [PT.Response] -> [BS.ByteString]
    encodeResponses = map PL.encodeMessage

    -- | Decodes bytestrings into requests
    decodeRequests :: [BS.ByteString] -> Either DecodeError [PT.Request'Value]
    decodeRequests = traverse $ \packet -> case PL.decodeMessage packet of
      Left parseError -> Left $ DecodeError.CanNotDecodeRequest packet parseError
      Right (request :: PT.Request) -> case request ^. PT.maybe'value of
        Nothing -> Left $ DecodeError.NoValueInRequest packet (request ^. PL.unknownFields)
        Just value -> Right $ value

-- | ByteString which contains multiple length prefixed ByteStrings
newtype LPByteStrings = LPByteStrings { unLPByteStrings :: BS.ByteString } deriving (Ord,Eq)

-- | Encodes ByteStrings into varlength-prefixed ByteString
encodeLengthPrefix :: [BS.ByteString] -> LPByteStrings
encodeLengthPrefix = LPByteStrings . foldMap encoder
    encoder bytes =
        headerN = signedInt64ToWord . fromIntegral . BS.length $ bytes
        header = runBuilder $ putVarInt headerN
        header `BS.append` bytes

-- | Decodes varlength-prefixed ByteString into ByteStrings
decodeLengthPrefix :: LPByteStrings -> Either DecodeError [BS.ByteString]
decodeLengthPrefix (LPByteStrings bs)
  | bs == mempty = Right []
  | otherwise = do
      n <- first (DecodeError.ProtoLensParseError bs) $ runParser getVarInt bs
      let lengthHeader = runBuilder $ putVarInt n
      messageBytesWithTail <- case BS.stripPrefix lengthHeader bs of
        Nothing -> Left $ DecodeError.InvalidPrefix lengthHeader bs
        Just a  -> Right a
      let (messageBytes, remainder) = BS.splitAt (fromIntegral $ wordToSignedInt64 n) messageBytesWithTail
      (messageBytes : ) <$> decodeLengthPrefix (LPByteStrings remainder)